Anacaade Tattler
RFO Phillipines [ Bellato Altrax News Updates ]
Volume 1 Issue 2 January 2006 p.1
BIB: Bellatos in Black
BIB: Bellatos in Black
Photograph by Aeloria Fraey
Top Stories
Bellato Dry Run: Tansan Collection
Neoma Reiko
What are Tansans? -- Tansan is a tagalog word meaning "soda crown."

It's been the slang of the Bellatos in Altrax Server every time they kill an Accretian. It was Liquid88 that started this whole new term. As a lot of them would start to raid Anacaade, it seems that the Bellatos enjoy taking them down, especially if they are a much higher level.

I had the luxury of killing some of them, since I am a Chandra, most of the time they would teleport out. If they had a tail, you could see it between their legs as they try to run away. I do believe they love their Contribution Points more than their Leader.

There’s one from the Bellato named LadyBouleville, who has one of the most collections of "Tansans." Let's hear what Lady has to say about her collection:

Neoma: "How does it feel like having all these Tansan collections?"

LadyBouleville: "The collection of tansan is just as satisfying as the harvesting of ocras. These raiders are a great anti-stress from all the training. :) The satisfaction of taking down a high level character is beyond words. Just as it is satisfying to hear them scream as you pound of them."

N: "How many Tansans have you collected so far?"

L: "As of today I have 28 limited edition tansans. 14 dragoons; 1 X; 7 KumanderROBOT; and 6 Xcst

Well there you have it folks. Watch out for the next post~!

Do you really want to be a journalist of the Anacaade Tattler? Here's what you got to do:

• Submit two to three of your best screenshot and tell us the story. (Try to make it short.)

• Not good with taking screenshots? Don't worry! You can submit interviews of famous bellatos!

So what are you waiting for? send us an email of your username and password! LOLS! Just kidding on the username and password! -_-

Anyway send them to

We love Horonaim!

Has anyone seen her in person? She's one of the most beautiful people in the land of Novus! If you are in doubt, why not visit this thread?

Anacaade Tattler was a monthly non-profit online news about Bellatos in Altrax Server on the MMORPG Rising Force Online Philippines.
The contents are for entertainment purposes only and is considered a parody of the real people involved. In other words, these are purely Role-Play and most of them aren't true in real life. Site created by: Diwa Fernandez